the concept of
We use the methodology of Labour Gymnastics This practice is to prevent occupational and promote the welfare of the individual through body awareness: knowing, respecting, loving and stimulating their own body.
With the advent of industrialization and technology, the demand of physical activity at work has fallen. The result has been the creation of occupations that threaten workers with high levels of stress and repetitive activities.

prevent injuries

promote welfare

respect your body
Hello there, My name is Tiago
Since early of my career I develop a passion about working with prevention.
In the UK it made realise even more the importance of this word, “PREVENTION”. Both places where I worked, one regarding prevention of re-admission into the hospital and the other to prevent falls, gave a better understanding of what it is about.
At Present I believe that introducing prevention to day to day workers (e.g. Nursing assistance, office workers, bus drivers etc) is the key for reduction of the Ostheomuscular Disorders Related to Work (ODRW) and Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI).
This is where I want to specialize myself in so I can help day to days workers to thrive on their workplaces.